Quotations by Oliver H. Jobson

  1. We are the sum total of our past experiences whether positive or negative. 

  2. Every experience has a cause and effect and we are the beneficiaries of that Karma. “What we sow we reap”. 

  3. Each have earned their reward, good or bad, in this life from their past Karma, even resulting from previous incarnations.

  4. To achieve Cosmic Consciousness see the interpretation of the Lord’s prayer in the Book: “Saved from Suicide by the Lord’s Prayer”. 

  5. So as the day follows the night and as light dispels the darkness, so too does the passage of time reveal the essence, cause and effect, of each of our experiences. 

  6. Just as the day follows the night and as light dispels the darkness, so too does the growth in Consciousness, through the passage of time, illumine and inspire us.

  7. Good, pure, positive thoughts and actions lead to commensurate results. 

  8. The Great Overt Dimension (GOD) of Light vivifies the three Dimensions of:- Gross Earth - Subtle Atmosphere - Causal Heaven.

  9. “Not our will but his will”, we are all puppets of the One Cosmic Force, God, that governs our every thought and action. 

  10. All incidents are timed to the exact nano-second, moment, based on our Karma.

  11. Reactions that take place now, are based on the causes (actions) that originated from previous incarnations. “As above, so below”.

  12. Ignorance of the Spiritual Laws do not excuse the action and reaction, cause and effect, of our experiences in this life.

  13. I firmly believe the Bible and Religion is the interpretation of scientific data expressed in a subjected and philosophical manner. 


  14. The universe being isotopic expands outwardly while consciousness expands inwardly as we become introspective.